Vélez, Pilar, 1957-

Graphic Design : from trade to profession (1940-1980) / Pilar Vélez - Barcelona : Museu del Disseny , 2014 - 120 p. : il. col. ; 23 cm

I. The "Graphic Design: from trade to profession (1940-1980)" exhibition, a reading of a collection under construction --
II. Graphic design here in the context of there --
III. Laboratorios Uriach's pharmaceutical advertising --
IV. Packaging: the "silent salesperson" asks to speak... --
V. From a "cry on the wall" to a "a graphic poem". The poster from 1940 to 1980 --
VI. Half a century of front cover design --
VII. Advertising art by pioneering graphic designers --
VIII. Corporate indetity, branding and graphic design --
IX. Corporate notifications and Christmas and New Year greetings --
X. A day in the realm of Helvetica

Autors: Santi Barjau, Anna Calvera, Norberto Chaves, Emilio Gil, Daniel Giralt-Miracle, Albert Isern, Raquel Pelta, Enric Satué, Joan Uriach, Pilar Vélez

