Hallett, Clive

Fabric for fashion : the complete guide : natural and man-made fibres / Clive Hallett and Amanda Johnston ; photo editing and commissioned photography by Myka Baum - London : Laurence King Pub., 2014 - 272 p. : il. col. ; 28 cm

Inclou llistat d'organitzacions, glossari i índex

1. Animal fibres
1.1. Wool
1.2. Luxury animal fibres
1.3. Silk

2. Plant fibres
2.1. Linen
2.2. Cotton
2.3. Alternative plant fibres

3. Man-made fibres
3.1. Synthetic fibres
3.2. Artificial fibres

4. Useful information
4.1. Fabric and the fashion industry
4.2. Resources/glossary
4.3. Index/Credits/Acknowledgements

9781780673349 1780673345

Teixits i tèxtils
Fibres vegetals
Fibres animals
Fibres tèxtils sintètiques
Disseny de moda

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