LCI Barcelona

A smart guide to utopia : 111 inspiring ideas for a better city

Krause, Kati

A smart guide to utopia : 111 inspiring ideas for a better city / Kati Krause - Barcelona : Le content agency , 2012 - 159 p. : il. col. ; 25 cm

I. Live: On the future of citying ; Sustainability ; Smart cities ; Construction ; Reusing space ; Towards a city worth living in --
II. Work: How the transformation of work is changing the city ; Creative support networks ; Co-working ; Breathing cathedrals --
III. Eat & drink: Food is a barometer of our cultural evolution ; Urban farming ; Communal dining ; Pop-up restaurants ; Sustainable eating ; From private to collective meals --
IV. Buy: The age of collaborative consumption ; Alternative currencies ; Fair trade ; Creative shopping ; Sustainable design ; Arcades and permaculture: from shopping to sharing --
V. Play: Little acts of playful anarchy ; Space for leisure ; Urban hacking ; Urban camping ; Apps for exploration ; The future of play

Introductions by: Ben Hammersley, Adam Greenfield, Maria Popova, Stéphane Hugon, Eva Gladek, Toby Barnes


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