LCI Barcelona

Style directions for men

Spenser, Carol

Style directions for men / Carol Spenser - Londres : Judy Piatkus Publishers , 1999 - 157 p. : il. col. ; 25 cm

I. Image directions: The power potential of your appearance --
II. Face directions: Face facts for hairstyle, glasses and necklines --
III. Body directions: Garments to suit your shape and proportions --
IV. Colour directions: Your best colours for harmony or impact --
V. Grooming directions: Quick-and-easy skin and hair routines --
VI. Wardrobe directions: Closet encounters of the organized kind! --
VII. Fashion directions: Style options to suit your personality and lifestyle --
VIII. New directions: Eight volunteers put the theories into practice

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Disseny de moda
Roba de vestir d'home
Dibuix de figures
Cos humà
Anatomia artística
Assessors d'imatge
Cabells--Cura i higiene
Pell--Cura i higiene

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